Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Prayer - Connecting with God Daily

Gen. 26:18 says that Isaac dug "again" the wells of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up with earth (dirt). Unfortunately, we have that same problem today, spiritually! Many of the "wells" that our forefathers in the faith have dug, have been filled with dirt by, wrong teaching and loose living preachers, who don't want to teach or live the "whole" counsel of God.

As the next generation of preachers, teachers and believers, we must dig again these wells, so these Bible Truth's won't be lost. Each generation has a responsibility to pass down the truth's we've been taught.

The 1st Well, God spoke to me about, was: Prayer - Connecting with God daily. Ps.5:3 says..."In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare [a prayer, a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart.] There are many kinds of prayer, prayers of request, petition, dedication and so on, but this kind, I believe is the most important! We need to daily connect with our Father, He is our source for everything we need. He is the one we should be getting our information from, not the world. He has already planned a "good life" for you but you won't find it until you learn how to connect with Him, and hear with your heart what that plan is.

Many of our Spiritual Fathers knew how to commune with God like that. I love one of the stories my Grandpa told me about when he was a young pastor and in prayer with God one day. God told him to get in his car drive across the state to minister for a pastor friend of his. He did what he heard God tell him to do, when he reached the church of his friend it was already dark out, he had been driving all day, but he saw a light on in the church. He went in and there was the pastor, at the altar praying. He turned and looked and said..."Brother Williams, I was just praying for God to send you to us, to preach to my congregation!" We can all learn to hear God that accurately, if we will develop a personal, intimate time with Him each day.

Two of my favorite men of the Bible are Noah & Enoch. Most have heard of Noah but not everyone has heard of Enoch. Gen.5:24 says..."And Enoch walked [in habitual fellowship] with God; and he was not, for God took him [home with Him.] (Amp.translation.) Also, in Gen. 6:9 it says about Noah..."Noah was a just and righteous man, blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked [in habitual fellowship] with God." Wow, Enoch got his own personal rapture!! How cool is that?!?! I can't promise you that but what a great testimony to have! Both of these men walked in "habitual fellowship" with God. Enoch was translated and Noah got specific instructions on how to save his family, and anyone else who would heed his words, from  the devastation of the flood.

Many preachers today, don't teach you need a intimate relationship with God, but without it, it could mean the difference between life and death! I encourage you today to start, if you haven't already, having time when you fellowship with God. Not asking Him for anything or telling Him your problems, just speaking to Him like you would your spouse or closest friend. He loves you, and longs for those times with you. One of the best ways is through communion. Yes, you can take communion at home, you don't have to be in church or have a pastor present. It's the most intimate, I believe, you can get with God. Jesus said..."this is my body (speaking of the bread), and this is my blood (speaking of the cup of juice)." He is giving us Himself!! You become one together, just think how much easier it is to hear from Him then!!

I hope this has helped you, the next "Wells" will be: Right Living/Holiness...Oh boy, you may say! Believe me it's worth any sacrifice you make in the natural, we'll talk about that next time. Until then, God Bless and Keep you, and cause His face to shine upon you, and give you peace!!

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