1 Peter 1:15 - "But as the One Who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all your conduct and manner of living."
Those are powerful words, did you noticed Peter didn't give us an option? He didn't say "if you want to" or "if it's convenient" or "if it's the popular "Word" being preached in your day." Some modern day preachers will tell you "It's okay to live like the world, God will still love you and bless you." That is a true statement to some extent, but like I've always said, "Hell is full of people God loves." God loving you will not keep you out of hell someday or keep you from living a "hell on earth" lifestyle. You make the choice where you will spend eternity and how you will live on this earth.
Romans 12:1 (Amp.) - "I appeal to you therefore brethren and beg of you in view of all the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies (presenting all your members) as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable service and spiritual worship."
Holy means to be "set apart", if you are going to be "set apart" then there are somethings you cannot be "a part of." You have to learn what the Bible says is "pleasing to God", not what pleases your flesh! Paul is begging them in this passage of scripture, I believe, because he had seen the hypocrisy of the Pharisee's. Jesus called them, in Matt. 23:27, "whitewashed sepulchres, full of dead men's bones." We can't claim to be one thing and live another. We are followers of Jesus or we're not, it's just that plain and simple, and He said, "if you love Me, you will keep my commandments."
To live holy is a decision you make, then, you live out that decision by the choices you make everyday. Did you notice, Paul said a "decisive dedication" of your bodies? Not just on Sunday and live like the world the rest of the week. No, it's a line in the sand that we have to draw and stick to it. Will you miss it along the way? Sure you will, but if your heart is truly to serve God, you will repent, receive His cleansing and move on! God is a merciful and gracious God, but He is also just. He cannot reward bad behavior, just like we don't expect a earthly judge to let a criminal go free. The Good News is, Jesus has already stood before God for you and taken your punishment, knowing that, why would you want to live in such a way that doesn't honor and appreciate the sacrifice He has made for us?
If you are a born again child of God you have the power, on the inside of you, to live holy. His name is "The Holy Spirit", not the "Unholy Spirit", yield to Him and ask Him to help you live a holy life and He will. If you are not born again, repent of your sin of not believing or trusting your life to Jesus and you will be forgiven and this same "Holy Spirit" will take up residence in your new, reborn spirit and you too will have the power to live holy. Jesus has already done everything needed for us to live a holy life, we just have to make the choice, it will be the best decision you will ever make. What will you have to give up? Heartache, headaches, and a bunch of drama...lol...God's way of living brings peace and joy to your life, it's the best way to live!
Until next time, may the Lord keep you and guard you, and may His face shine upon you and give you peace!
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