Monday, April 2, 2012

"Goals" - Are You Going After Them or Ignoring Them?

Well it's already April and Spring has certainly "Sprung." Actually it's feeling more like Summer than Spring here in TX. I love this time of year, sitting outside more than inside, green grass instead of brown, trees full of leaves instead of bare. A time of new beginnings, birds building their nest, soon there will be baby chicks and bunnies in the feed stores, (maybe one day I can bring some home...hint,hint) wildflowers in abundance, new life everywhere you look.

It's also a good time to check on those goals you set at the first of the year, remember those? Or have you been ignoring them, knowing that you haven't been keeping up with them faithfully up to this point. Remember the meaning of the word "Goals": it means - The finish line of a race, the end point or target, the purpose toward which an endeavor is directed. It doesn't mean, you've already hit the target or finished the race. You may be lagging a little at the start but that doesn't mean you can't pick up the pace and still achieve it!

I just wanted to encourage you today, to not give up on your goals. There will always be resistance that comes with any goal you set. If it was something you were already good at doing you probably wouldn't have to set it as a goal. It's usually something you've always wanted but for some reason haven't been able to reach it in the past. So don't get down on yourself, pick it back up at this time of new beginnings and pick up the pace. It's not too late, ask the Holy Spirit to be your Helper, that is one of the reasons He is here! You can still see your goals achieved this year. Let this time of year motivate you to give yourself a "fresh start" too!

Thanks for listening,

May the Lord Bless and Keep You!

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