Thursday, January 10, 2013

How to Bring in the New Year - It's not too late

Happy 2013 to you all!! What kind of year are you planning on having?? You might ask..."Well how can I know? Do I really have anything to do with it or do I just wait and see what happens?"

You have everything to do with what kind of year you are going to have, even though you don't know what all this year may hold for you! You can choose to respond to each challenge according to the Word of God and get biblical results. You can also start the year out right by evaluating your life and choosing to take a good look at yourself and where you stand on these important issues in your life.

Here is an excellent list of things to examine about yourself, so you can go into this new year with a clear conscience and confidence that you are setting yourself up to reap "good" in this year.

1.) Examine your walk with God. - Psalms 27:8 - Are you seeking God's face (who He is) or His hands (what He can do for you?)

2.) Examine your money. - Matthew 6:19&33 - Are you building your kingdom or God's Kingdom? You can tell by looking at where your money is going. Are you laying up treasure in Heaven or on earth?

3.) Examine your heart towards others. - Mark 11:25&26 - God is just, He can not forgive you, if you are not forgiving others. Read the story of the "Unjust" servant in Matt. 18:21-35. A real eye-opener,  and can help explain why some people live tormented lives.

4.) Examine what you see, hear and do. - Proverbs 4:20-27 - It makes all the difference in the world in what you reap in your life. See, hear and do "good" and you will reap "good", if you don't give up!

5.) Leave the past behind. - Philippians 3:13&14 - Learn from Paul, if anyone had a challenge with forgetting their past, it was Paul. He had actually been persecuting christians, but that was before his encounter with Jesus. He was not the same man, and neither are you if you've encountered Jesus in your life. Even things you've done after receiving Jesus. If we repent, and turn from our sins, He is faithful and "just" to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

I hope this helps you, and it is something you look to through out the year to make sure you are keeping your life in line with God's Word. Only by obedience to God's Word can we assure ourselves a year of inward peace, no matter what circumstances come against you or what is going on in this world. Remember, as a born again believer, you are not of this world, you are of God!

Until next time, may the Lord bless you and keep you!

Your Sister in Christ,

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