Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"Gracious Living"

Have you ever heard the phrase "gracious living?" When I hear that phrase, I immediately picture an elegant woman, on a wealthy estate, walking through her gardens sipping tea! Haha!! To you that phrase may bring something totally different to mind. The meaning of "gracious living" is: fortunate, prosperous or happy. The Holy Spirit, however, has given me a totally new picture of what "gracious living" should be to the believer! The word "gracious" means: to be kind, courteous, pleasant, esp. towards those of lower social status.

We live in a world where the majority of people are only looking out for themselves, their dreams and what makes them happy. The words courteous & pleasant don't seem to be words that describe the majority of people we encounter on a day to day bases. However, we as believer's, should be examples of Biblical "gracious living!" Each day we will encounter situations where we can show grace to someone, be kind & courteous to them, even when we aren't receiving that same treatment in return. We also have the choice to "return evil for evil", but if we are going to live by the Bible, like all believer's should, we must obey Luke 6:31 that tells us: "Treat others the same way you want to be treated." Aka/the Golden Rule! No matter what your social status may be or not be, you treat everyone the same. It's amazing how one act of kindness or "graciousness" can cause a chain of events that brings peace & pleasantness to your surroundings. I've also seen the complete opposite and seen a chain of destructive behavior.

My encouragement to you is to be known for Biblical "gracious living." No, that may not mean you'll spend your afternoons strolling through a garden sipping tea, but that you are known as one who shows "grace" to others and changes your surroundings by living in a "gracious" manner.

Until next time, may the Lord bless you & keep you,

Your Sister in Christ,
