Prov. 14:1 ~ "The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands."
Prov. 12:4 ~ "An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, But she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones."
WOW....what a contrast in these two verses, wives!! We can "build" our house or "pull" it down, we can be a "crown" to our husband or "rottenness" in his bones!! I've never known a woman to purposely do either of these things.
These scriptures brought to mind what I heard Pastor Barclay discuss in his "I Predict" 2012. The quote is as follows..."Women will be under a very severe demonic attack, and many will go ballistic. This will cause families to fail, marriages to dissolve, and our churches to be weakened."
This of course is not referring to "all" women but we can't just assume these demons won't try to mess with us! The first thing I heard, in my spirit, when he spoke that was "Guard yourself!" Women "do" more in the church, give more money, buy more christian books and over all support our churches more than most men. That makes sense why the devil would want to attack women. According to these scriptures though, we have the choice, we CAN guard ourselves by staying in The Word and keeping ourselves walking in love. I know that sounds a little it's not! I don't mean that you won't ever be tempted to just "go off" in the flesh when something goes wrong in your home or you feel you were done wrong or not appreciated, but in that moment we can yield to the feeling or to the Spirit of God within us. We can "build" in that moment or "pull" down, we can be that "crown" to our husband or "rottenness"....yuck, who wants to be that?? Not me!!
So in conclusion, make 2012 a year to "build" and not "pull down", be that "crown" not "rottenness." Stay close to Jesus and in the Word, walk in love, and repel the attacks of the devil. Submit to your husband as the one God has placed as head (authority) in your household, stay under that "covering" where it is safe! Then you can see your family flourish, your marriage built up, and your church strengthened and the devil's attack will fail where you are concerned!!
May the Lord keep you in all your ways,