At the first of the year when Pastor Barclay was at the KCM Ministers Conference, he spoke on Gen. 26:18 – “And Isaac dug again the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father, for the Philistines had stopped them up…” It made quite an impact on me that day and it hasn’t left. That day I asked God to show me what that meant to me and how I was to respond.
About a month ago while in Sunday night prayer, the Holy Spirit lead me to that scripture, I just put my hand on it and started praying in the Spirit. As I prayed I saw like a slideshow go off in my mind’s eye. I could see great men of God like Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin Sr., Dr. George Evans, Dr. Hilton Sutton, and my grandpa Rev. Thomas Williams. I couldn’t hold back the tears, thinking about the price these, and many other great men of God (and women), had paid for the gospel’s sake, and how many of the modern day “famous” preachers, were teaching things contrary to what they labored to bring to the body of Christ.
He started speaking to me the wells that need to be dug again that our forefathers in the faith had dug. They are as follows:
1. PRAYER – Connecting with God DAILY.
2. FASTING – Food or the things that distract us.
3. HOLINESS – Not filling our lives with the filth of the world, through an avenue it might take (T.V., movies, music, etc.) but separating ourselves to Him so He can flow through us (He can’t flow through a dirty vessel.)
4. FAITH – Truly living by faith, again trusting him daily for every need.
5. HOLY SPIRIT PRAYING – Praying in tongues and being lead by the Spirit what to pray in the natural.
6. RIGHTEOUSNESS – Living a clean life, and one of knowing who we are in Christ.
7. STUDY OF THE WORD OF GOD – We must know what His Word says if we are going to make it through these last days. We cannot nonchalantly go through life as a Christian, you must know the “It is written’s” to combat the enemy, who if you haven’t noticed is releasing his attacks with full force. We MUST know the Word that will stop his attacks in our lives and the lives of others we intercede for.
Our forefathers in the faith knew and know (thank God some are still with us) how vital these wells were and we cannot let them or the Father down by not continuing in the things that they taught us.
God Bless and Keep You,
Bye For Now,
Your Sister in Christ!